Thank you for meeting the tangible needs of our youth and young adults!
Amazon Wish List:
Please visit our Amazon Wish List for the most updated needs in our programs.
Winter Wish List:
Food & Kitchen Items
- Bottled Water
- Individually Wrapped Snacks
- Granola Bars
- Snack Crackers
- Pretzels
- Trail Mix
- Individual Bags of Nuts
- Salad Dressing
- Disposable Silverware
- Paper Plates
- Ziploc Bags
- Plastic Wrap
Cleaning Supplies
- Lysol Wipes
- Paper Towels
- Dish & Hand Soap
- Laundry Detergent
- Dryer Sheets
- Trash Bags
Hygiene Items
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Body Wash
- Deodorant
- Lotion
- Deodorant
Full-size items please!
New Clothing:
- Hoodies (Adult Sizes XS-L)
- Women’s Leggings/Yoga Pants (All Sizes)
- Athletic Shorts (Sizes YL- Adult XL)
- Socks
- Men’s & Women’s Underwear (All Sizes)
- T-Shirts
Additional Needs:
- Band-Aids
- Hand Warmers
- Bed Pillows (New)
- Canvas & Paints
- Cardstock
*Due to storage limitations and community generosity, we are not able to accept previously loved items at this time.
Drop-Off Location:
Items can be delivered to Shelter Care’s main office at 32 South Ave., Tallmadge OH 44278 – Monday -Thursday 9am-4pm or call the main office at 330-630-5600 / contact Jessica at to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your kindness!
Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness! All contributions are tax-deductible and directly impact the youth in Shelter Care’s programs.
For questions about donations, please contact Jessica Purdy, Director of Development (330-630-5600).
If mailing a check, please make check payable to “Shelter Care, Inc.”, add your desired program on the “memo” line, and mail to 32 South Ave., Tallmadge, OH 44278.