Street Outreach Services (SOS)
SOS provides street based and drop-in services to runaway, homeless, and at risk youth ages 16-24 to assist them in securing safe, stable housing. SOS includes the operation of a drop-in center, the Bridges Program, a Rapid Re-Housing program and the Faith-Based Infant and Maternal Health Supports Program.
The Bridges Program of Ohio provides direct services including housing support, case management and independent living skills to young adults who have aged out of foster care in Ohio. Young adult participation in Bridges is voluntary, and young adults may apply to enroll (or re-enroll) in Bridges at any point before their 21st birthday.
Rapid Re-Housing provides short-term rental assistance and case management. The goals are to help young adults obtain housing quickly, increase self-sufficiency, and stay housed.
Faith-Based Infant and Maternal Health Supports Program provides support to pregnant and parenting youth/young adults (up to 12 months postpartum) between the ages of 14-24 living in Summit County to address health inequities and improve infant and maternal health outcomes.
Services provided include:
- Access to food, clothing, daytime shelter, shower and laundry facilities
- Case Management
- Supportive educational and vocational services
- Life Skills Development
- Assistance in securing safe, stable housing
- Crisis and trauma intervention
- Transportation assistance
- Linkage to community resources
- Aftercare service